Tarmcadam services
It has come to our attention here at South Meath Solar Farm through a local resident that a person is calling to residents in the area offering tarmacadam jobs from left over tar after reinstatement works that hey are claiming they are carrying out.
This is not associated with the Solar Farm, we are NOT carrying out any such works in the area and would not at any time call to residents to offer this type of service.
This has been reported to the local Gardaí.
Suzanne O Leary
Community Liaison Officer – South Meath Solar Farm
Ph: +353 (0)1 912 5132
As the constructions works on the solar porject continue, please see the update below.
-All construction works on schedule
-100% complete on all ramming works
-100% complete on all structure install
-Modules 75% complete
-All trenching works complete
-Cabling works on structure over 90% complete
-Module install to be completed by Mid-June , this will result in a decrease in traffic to and from site
-All heavy deliveries completed on site
-Road reinstatement works to commence on site roads mid /end July
-Site energisation period due to commence Mid-July and run until September
The images below show how the project is looking at the moment.

Overview of future works to be carried out
Estimated completion of piling works:
- Continuing works – Ramming / Piling will continue, commencing after 8am daily, Monday to Saturday. It is envisaged that these works will be completed by end of April 2023
General Housekeeping on Roads
- Road sweeping & cleaning is ongoing and being monitored daily by the site team
- All material deliveries have now been received at the site
- Residents should see a significant decline on HGV accessing and egressing the site entrances
Electrical Works Update
- As sectors of the site become significantly complete, these areas will be energised. It is envisaged that this will commence towards the end of May or the start of June 2023
Remaining Works Overview
- We are currently working on completing all the remaining mechanical works on the entire South Meath Solar Project by the end of May 2023
- We are aiming to have completion of Panel Installation to follow shortly after that; by mid-June 2023
- Remaining works will include energisation & commissioning of the site, reinstatement of all site roads and final checks
Details of solar panel installation
As our project progresses, I wish to inform you, the local residents, that we will be commencing the installation of the solar panel support structures the first week of November. This phase of works will be carried out over the next number of months, with completion expected in early Q2 2023.
All works will be carried out during permitted working hours.
Please feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions or queries.
This letter was sent out to the local residents around the South Meath Solar site.
Click Show More + to view or download.
Our Community Liaison Team recently visited the area and as well as speaking with the local community directly, presented this Community Update brochure.
Click Show More + to view or download.
Upcoming Road Works Notification
Phase 2 works will start the week commencing 22nd August.
Click Show More + for more details.
The Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS) is Suir Engineering. They will commence enabling works with the formation of access roads and the establishment of offsite compounds in advance of mechanical installation works, which will commence in October.
Access to and from the site will be via a one-way system. Delivery vehicles will leave M3 at Junction 5 (Dunboyne) and travel along the R157 before turning right onto the R156. From here the vehicles will turn onto the L6222 where they will travel approximately 0.5km to site. Both site entrances will be a left-hand turn from the L6222.
All traffic movements will be carried out between the hours of 08.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 13.00 Saturdays.

A letter was circulated to residents regarding upcoming site works.
South Meath Solar Farm
This letter is to advise you in advance of works scheduled to commence for phase two at the South Meath Solar Farm Project Vesington Co Meath.
Suir Engineering will be commencing enabling works in conjunction with the formation / Installation of Solar Farm Access Roads/Compounds.
We will mobilise on site Monday 25th July. Plant transportation vehicles will be in use, we will endeavor to facilitate this as early as possible on Monday morning to minimize any potential disruption.
Stone deliveries/ haulage will commence on Tuesday 26th July 2022 and will run for approximately 5/6 weeks. At present it is anticipate having 4 number vehicles delivering stone to site.
Access to and from the site will be via a one-way system. The delivery vehicles will leave the M3 at Junction 5 (Dunboyne) and travel along the R157 for approximately 2km before turning right onto the R156. From here the vehicles will travel for around 3km until they take a right turn onto the L6222 where they will travel approximately 0.5km to site Section 1 South Field Entrance and 1km to site section 2 North Field Entrance. Both site entrances will be a left-hand turn from the L6222. On exit from the site delivery vehicles will be prompted to turn left only when leaving site and travel north along the L6222 to avoid any conflict on this slightly narrow road.
A map of the proposed route to site entrance 1 and 2 is attached below
All traffic movements will be carried out between the hours of 08.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 13.00 Saturdays
We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during these essential works. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
John Lowry Statkraft Community Liaison Officer – 0874296496
Colm Sherry Suir Engineering Logistics Manager – 0871686412
Robert O’ Neill – Suir Engineering EHS Advisor – 0871746902
Tommy Duggan – Suir Engineering site Manager- 0868251950
Yours faithfully,
Suir Engineering Project Team