Location identification

Engineer in front of wind turbine

A review of the information available, including feedback from Kildare County Council and An Bord Pleanála, indicated the area under consideration is one of the most appropriate areas in Co. Kildare for the development of wind energy. It was initially thought that this area would have the capacity to accommodate up to 14 turbines; however, following consultation with the local community and other interested parties, the number of proposed turbines was reduced to 11.


Drehid has been indicated as being an area that is robust in character from a landscape point of view and is detailed in the current Kildare County Development Plan as being an area that has the capacity to accommodate a wind energy project.

Issues that were previously raised by the planning authorities included concerns about extensive cabling in local roads and the proximity of a high number of turbines. The proposed location minimises the need for cabling on public roads (requiring only approximately 1km of public road cabling) and there are no canals in the local area.