Community feedback

We want to hear from you

We would like to hear how you think that this proposal could work best in the area, how you think it could bring the most benefit to the local area and to discuss any queries or concerns that you might have regarding the proposal.

We would also like to discuss with you the reasons behind why this project is being brought forward for consideration and the issues that we need to consider in terms of  transitioning from a fossil fuel-based electricity system towards renewable electricity.

Our community liaison team will be calling to people in the local area and we would invite you to meet with us. If you would like to contact us to arrange a visit, please do not hesitate to do so via the details on our Contact Page.

Design stages and next steps

This proposal is still at design stage. As a result, details of the proposal may change. Our community engagement team will be working in the area to ensure that information is available and that you have an opportunity to discuss the various aspects of this proposal.

Overview of the design stages

Design Stage % Design Description
Initial Scoping 0 - 40% Based on high-level information
Preliminary Layout 40 - 80% Fluid and frequently open to change
Design Layout 80 - 100% Sufficiently fixed to allow meaningful discussion
Planning Layout 100% Fixed for presentation to the appropriate planning authority

Design review

Click on any of the topics below to read the content and its response:

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why is this project being considered?

A number of people have queried why we are asking you to consider a wind energy proposal here again. The three main reasons are:

  1. We previously received feedback from the planning authorities and county council that indicate that this area may have the potential to accommodate a wind energy development.
  2. It is clear that action must be taken on climate change and our fossil fuel dependency. Where an opportunity exists to develop renewable energy, it should be explored.
  3. We are asking you to consider this proposal so that we can take your feedback on board and make changes to our design that reflect what you are telling us.

We believe that this project warrants consideration. Importantly, we are working with the community to allow you the opportunity to influence any proposal that will be brought forward for consideration by the planning authorities.


Q: Why should I consider a wind farm in my area?

A wind farm has the potential to make a real difference to your life in a very positive way. Ireland has committed to moving towards becoming a low-carbon economy; this will require changes in the way society operates.

We believe that renewable energy projects should support the environmental, economic and social sustainability of local communities. The above table outlines some of the areas where we would see that real and significant opportunities exist.