The development of a renewable energy project is a lengthy process. Securing planning consent is one of these steps however, there are a number of further steps that need to be taken. These include the securing of a route to market, securing the grid connection, carrying out due diligence on the project being proposed and securing finances to build the project.
A planning application for the grid connection underground cable (UGC), substation and a battery energy storage system is being prepared for the project. This consists of an approx. 9km cable route between the permitted wind farm and the existing Cathaleen’s Falls substation which the project will connect into. The underground cable route will go west on approx. 9km of local roads before turning south and crossing the River Erne via a 130m section of overhead line (OHL). The OHL will have a lattice steel mast either side of the River Erne. Once across the River Erne the UGC grid connection travels east approximately 300m into the existing Cathaleen Falls 110kV substation. This route was assessed as part of the most recent wind farm EIAR.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our community liaison officer (CLO) on the contact details provided. In addition to this, progress is being made on securing a route to market for the electricity that this wind farm would produce.
The permitted Derrykillew Community Wind Farm consists of 5 no. turbines and it is expected that these will have the capacity to power c. 13,870 households with clean, green, renewable energy every year. The project will also incorporate a significant community benefit fund which assuming RESS (Renewable Energy Support Scheme) support, will form in the region of €110,000 per year for the local community for the duration of RESS support.
Below is a map of the permitted wind farm layout and proposed grid connection route. It is envisaged that the works on the grid connection will be carried out on a phased, or staged basis during construction of the wind farm. This will include substation works, laying of cable ducts on the off-road sections, laying of ducting and cables under the public road, erecting the overhead line and masts. The construction of the wind farm will take approximately 18 months. The works in the public roads, directly associated with laying the cable ducting on the grid route, will take approximately 12 weeks and are likely to be phased within the construction program.