Project Evolution
As the original promoters of this project, Kilcarrig Quarries Limited identified a location where it was considered a suitable and appropriate wind energy proposal could be brought forward.
This took into consideration the ability to provide suitable distances from houses in an area which was identified within the Carlow County Development Plan. Kilcarrig Quarries Limited carried out environmental surveys and prepared a planning application which was submitted for consideration in 2011. Planning permission was granted by Carlow County Council and full planning consent was achieved in 2012.
Statkraft acquired the Bilboa Wind Farm project in 2019. In order to bring such a project to fruition, further steps need to be taken. It is proposed to connect this wind farm to the electricity grid system via a new substation located at Rossmore, County Laois.
We welcome conversations with people living in the local area regarding how this project could work best and deliver the most benefit possible to the area. As part of this ongoing engagement, we would like people not only to consider the design of the proposal being brought forward but also how funding from the development could play an important role in assisting the development of the area in the coming years.
The more feedback that you provide to us, the more potential this proposal has to be of benefit to you!
We would be very interested in hearing what ideas you have on how this wind farm could deliver the most benefit to you and your local area.