• 5 turbines
  • 520m and upwards – distance from nearest houses in the community to the nearest turbine
  • The maximum height would be up to 136.5m
  • All cables would be underground
  • There will be a substation associated with the wind farm
  • Associated works will include access tracks, turbine foundations and hardstanding areas, drainage works, temporary site compound, underground electrical and communications cables between turbines and an underground cable to connect the proposed project to a substation


Bilboa Wind Farm Layout Map

Click image to open map


The permitted Bilboa Wind Farm consists of 5 turbines, and it is expected that these will have the capacity to power a significant number of homes and businesses with clean, green, renewable energy. The project will also incorporate a significant Community Benefit Fund, which, assuming RESS (Renewable Energy Support Scheme) support, will form in the region of €78,000 for the duration of the scheme.

It is important to Statkraft that our projects are considered in terms of the climate challenges being addressed, and that they are appropriate for the area, work well where they are located and are delivered as part of a just transition. They will also bring real benefits to local people and support the economic, social and environmental sustainability of those local areas.


The need for this project

The impacts of climate change on our world are indisputable. We are all being challenged to consider the role we play in climate action and how we can reduce our reliance on costly and polluting imported fossil fuels. The world is getting warmer, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. We cannot stop climate change, but we can take action to address it. Renewable energy development is a vital part of that action.

The energy price hikes experienced across Europe following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have put huge pressure on households and businesses, and exacerbated the cost-of-living crisis. Our electricity demands are also on the rise and providing sufficient supplies to avoid potential power shortages has become ever more challenging.

Furthermore, Ireland's energy security has come into sharp focus. Having our own secure, sustainable supply will shield us from global market energy price increases and continue to help protect families and businesses from the worst effects of a crisis caused by our reliance on fossil fuels. We can tap into our own natural resources and roll out clean, affordable energy that won’t break the bank. 

Electricity generation

Green electricity has brought significant benefits to areas across rural Ireland for many years. This transition to green electricity generation means becoming less reliant on fossil fuels, such as peat and coal, and instead developing more wind and solar energy to power our homes and businesses. This transition is our best way of taking effective action on climate change. 

The development of renewable energy projects, such as wind farms, brings significant potential for local economic and societal gains. Areas that develop renewable energy projects will have the potential to benefit from substantial Community Benefit Funds.

The fundamental principle of our Community Benefits Fund is that the local people in the vicinity of the development decide on how to deliver increased environmental, economic and social sustainability to their communities.

We are very interested in hearing what ideas you have on how this Community Benefit Funding could benefit your local area.