The Project
Project at a glance
- 10 turbine project
- Maximum turbine heights of 150m
- Distance to the nearest turbine – over 700m
- 45MW of renewable energy to the Irish electricity grid
- Renewable energy to power the equivalent of 35,000 homes
- Zero shadow flicker policy
- Underground cable to connect the permitted project from its on-site substation to an off-site substation, which is connected to the grid
- Total Community Benefit Fund of circa €225,000 a year over 15 years
- Community and biodiversity improvements associated with the development​
- Annual rates payments to Kerry County Council of over €9.1 million over the lifetime of the project
- Associated works will include access tracks, turbine foundations and hardstanding areas, drainage works, a temporary site compound, underground electrical and communications cables between turbines and an underground cable to connect the proposed project to a substation
Project Details
We believe this project has the capacity to deliver climate action while bringing very real benefits to the local area and its people.
The development area of Shronowen Wind Farm consists of a 364ha site which is located 6 km north of Listowel. The final footprint of the project will be approximately 28ha. The development includes 10 turbines, of 150m tip height, subject to environmental impact assessment and planning permission. The site was identified in the Kerry County Development Plan as an Open to Consideration area for wind development.
The project has secured planning permission and construction is expected to begin in 2025.
It is important to Statkraft that our projects are considered in terms of the climate challenges being addressed. It is also vital that they are appropriate for the area, suitably located and delivered as part of a just transition. In addition, these projects bring real benefits to local people and support the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of local areas.
Projects like Shronowen Wind Farm enable communities to utilise their own natural resources and provide clean affordable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions and our dependence on expensive fossil fuels.