- A zero-carbon grid stability solution to replace the need for fossil fuel generation
- Facility to be located near the existing substation
- The height of the facility will be c.13m which, for context, is similar to the height of a mature tree
- Landscaping and Screening – A landscaping plan has been prepared to allow the proposal to blend into the local landscape
- No underground cables will pass any residential properties
- This facility would deliver inertia and reactive power services to the grid
- The majority of the equipment required would be housed
- This facility would link into the existing substation, essentially applying a smoothing effect on the electricity as it passes through the equipment in the facility ultimately feeding it back into the grid in a stable form and importantly, at the optimum frequency for the operation of the grid system
It will not require additional overhead lines or generate power and would not be a manned facility
Project Proposal
This proposal is a grid stability project, located close to the existing Knockraha 220kV electricity substation, which Statkraft Ireland intends to bring forward for planning consideration under Killeena Stability Limited which is a wholly-owned subsidiary.
It will help to increase grid stability and facilitate the stable integration of renewable energy onto the Irish electricity system. By introducing a piece of equipment known as a synchronous compensator onto the electricity grid system, we will help to reduce reliance on fossil fuel power stations which have traditionally provided such grid stability services.
It will not generate electricity however it will facilitate the greening of our electricity system by performing a very important grid stabilising function.
Local Considerations
At Statkraft we endeavour to bring forward proposals that are suitable and appropriate in the local context. In order to design our projects in the most appropriate way, we strive to learn lessons from previous projects that may have been considered in an area and to engage with local communities during the development, construction and operational phases of our projects.
We are aware that there are local concerns in terms of visuals and heritage along with other issues such as traffic, and we have endeavoured to take these into account in the proposal that we are bringing forward.
Points that have been considered:
Visuals: A sample of photomontages can be viewed here.
Traffic: This will not be a manned facility. During construction, a traffic management plan will be in place and no construction traffic will be permitted to enter Knockraha village.
Light pollution: No permanent illumination of the site.
Heritage: The location and nature of this proposal will allow for a development that is respectful of local considerations.
Noise: This facility does not emit any levels of noise that could be deemed to be significant in the context of its location. In addition to this, the proposed location is over 300m from any residential property.
Cabling: The only cables that will be required will be between the proposed grid stability facility and the substation. No underground cables will pass any residential properties.
EMF: This proposal will not generate any significant levels of EMF.
Local History & Context of This Proposal
The local people of the Knockraha area played an important role in fighting for this country 100 years ago. Brave decisions were taken where individuals were motivated to go out and fight for the future of our country. Today, Ireland has a declared climate emergency and our country’s electricity system holds the solution to the fight against climate change. There are only a handful of points on the Irish electricity grid system that have as many 220kV & 110kV power lines converging at a single location, as are here.
Delivering effective climate action is wholly dependent on integrating the highest penetration of renewable solutions onto the grid system as possible, so as to ensure that the electricity flowing on all of our powerlines and into our homes, is coming from renewable sources and not from burning fossil fuels. Whilst this location is a critical intersection on the grid, proposing any facility here, in the context of the history of the wider area, requires all involved to adopt a sympathetic approach to the local landscape, character and overall appropriateness.
This proposal endeavours to achieve this balance by incorporating a landscaping plan which would allow visual screening of the facility. All cables would be placed underground and the length of underground cabling kept to a minimum. The facility would be unmanned and therefore will not require daily traffic on the roads and will not generate any significant noise.
Whilst the fact is, that this location could play a significant role in delivering climate action for our country by greening our electricity grid system and thus providing a better, and more sustainable future for both our youth and future generations, it has to be noted by anyone reading this, that it is remarkable, and strangely coincidental, that this rural area, again holds the opportunity to play a pivotal role in forming our country’s future, this time from an energy perspective.
We acknowledge that it is likely that some people would rather not see any further development of this area no matter the reason however, we would hope that time may be taken to consider the proposal as it would look and work in the local area, local history included, along with the benefits that it can deliver. Ultimately, we would hope that a considered view would be formed – whatever that view might be.
Planning has been granted for this project. We would hope to commence initial construction activities in 2024 or 2025 and be operational in 2026.
We will continue to provide information on the project where appropriate.