Need For This Project

Cloghan Wind Farm

Cloghan Wind Farm

Energy security

Recent events have thrown the security of our energy supply into focus. Most of us still use fossil fuels to generate the electricity that we use to heat our homes and run our cars. These are not only a finite resource, but also release carbon into the environment.

Energy security can only be achieved from investing in renewable energy, allowing us to achieve a cleaner environment and real energy independence in this country. With abundant natural resources, Ireland can be a world leader when it comes to renewable energy integration and is on the right path to decarbonising our energy system.

It is simply not sustainable to rely on fossil fuels for our energy needs, and nor do we need to with the resources that we have. Not only does it result in higher costs, but it is a volatile market. Developing our own renewable energy simply makes far more sense.

Project Sustainability

Our ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable future for all. At the same time, the way we develop our projects in local communities must be sustainable and responsible – and we are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The sustainability of the project is also strengthened by delivering climate action and by ensuring a responsible supply chain, Supply chain management covers health and safety, environment and climate, human rights, labour rights, and business ethics. Sustainability is also supported by engaging in essential and meaningful stakeholder engagement.

Statkraft Ireland is committed to ensuring that all our projects are developed in a sustainable way and is an active Business Supporter of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.

For every solar farm we build, there is potential to incorporate environmentally sustainable measures into the project design. Our solar farms can make a positive contribution to the habitat types and diversity of an area through several measures including:

  • planting wildflower meadows
  • providing sections of species rich grass
  • improving hedgerows
  • tree planting
  • providing bird and insect boxes where needed

A Biodiversity Management Plan will be provided as part of the planning submission. We see that biodiversity will be integral to the project and our goal is to help maximise the potential for the area. Wildflower meadows, bird boxes and insect hotels are just some of the measures that we will be considering for our management plan.


Ireland is now on a path of decarbonisation and replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy is the only way to avoid harmful global warming and ensuring energy security. 

Solar power is a clean, abundant source of energy that has many benefits. 

Key benefits

Future energy
Future energy

A solar farm will produce clean renewable energy for future generations. Local energy production improves energy security.

Business rates
Business rates

Solar farms pay rates to the local authorities, thereby contributing to the funding of vital public services.


We encourage any local supplier that can play a part in the construction or operation of this solar farm to get in touch.

Community benefits
Community benefits

The Irish Government requires that all renewable projects that are developed over the coming years invest a community benefit fund into the local area, which will bring significant opportunities for local communities.

Air quality
Air quality

Decarbonising our electricity system and moving away from fossil fuels allows us to deliver on climate action, and in doing so improves our air quality.

Supporting biodiversity
Supporting biodiversity

For every renewable energy project we build, there is potential to improve the environment and increase habitat diversity through a number of measures. For more information please see Sustainability information above.