Need for This Project

Wasp on a lilac flower

Project Sustainability


Our ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable future for all. At the same time, the way we develop our projects in local communities must be sustainable and responsible – and we are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For Statkraft, the sustainability of the project includes:

  • Supply chain management: This covers health and safety, environment and climate, human rights, labour rights, and business ethics.
  • Stakeholder management: This includes robust stakeholder engagement and best practice management of personal data according to the GDPR. See our Privacy Policy below.
  • A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) and an Appropriate Assessment Report were carried out in order to take account of landscape and screening considerations and to ensure project suitability. These will be provided as part of the planning submission.

For all projects, our goal is to help maximise the biodiversity potential for the local area. For the Ballyvatta Solar Farm project, a Biodiversity Management Plan was provided as part of the planning submission.

Energy security

Recent events have thrown the security of our energy supply into focus. Most of us still use fossil fuels to generate the electricity that we use to heat our homes and run our cars. These are not only a finite resource, but also release carbon into the environment.

Energy security can only be achieved from investing in renewable energy, allowing us to achieve a cleaner environment and real energy independence in this country. With abundant natural resources, Ireland can be a world leader when it comes to renewable energy integration and is on the right path to decarbonising our energy system.

It is simply not sustainable to rely on fossil fuels for our energy needs, and nor do we need to with the resources that we have. Not only does it result in higher costs, but it is a volatile market. Developing our own renewable energy simply makes far more sense.