Project Notifications
Energisation of our newly constructed 38KV substation at Monaraha solar farm has now been completed, paving the way for the first MW's to be exported in the coming months.
Focus will continue on energising the PV plant during December, with final commissioning taking place over the coming weeks, supplying a further 32MW of clean solar energy to the Irish grid

Enabling works are scheduled to commence from the 10th July through the existing access on the R640.
This is to allow for the construction of the internal access roads.
They will have minimal impact on the local traffic and local access will be allowed for at all times.
The letter across was distributed to residents in the local area confirming this information.
It’s been a busy six months on the Monaraha Solar Project.
In February, prior to mobilisation to the site, we held productive kick-off meetings with our contractors, outlining our safety, quality, and technical expectations for the project.
In March, installation began of the solar panels and associated equipment.
We are delighted to report that in just 125 days, we’ve achieved a major milestone on the project by completing the mechanical installation, with minor snag work to be completed this week.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact the project Community Liaison Officer, Suzanne O’Leary on:
Email: enquiries@monarahasolar.ie
Scheduled to start week commencing Thursday 25th July
There will be an abnormal load run between 8am and 4pm.
The load will be travelling from the west and will access the site at the existing entrance on the R640.
NOTE: Traffic is likely to be affected on the day.
The deliveries will take place throughout the day allowing for 2 hours between each delivery to avoid congestion on the approaching roads and internally on site.
We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact the project Community Liaison officer, Suzanne O’Leary on:
Email: enquiries@monarahasolar.ie