Public Road - Grid Route & Connection
Trenching works will be commencing in February ’23
The project is at the stage where the grid connection phase will commence shortly. These works consist of the trenching, ducting, cabling and reinstatement of approximately 10km of grid infrastructure predominantly along the public road as shown in the below sketch.
The cable route will commence at the wind farm entrance on the L1013 (yellow).
Head west to Ballykean Cross where it will head north on the L5034.
Head east on the L5042 (blue) and L1014 (red) where it will then run north along the Mount Lucas wind farm access track.
These works are scheduled to start the week commencing 6th February 2023 and are expected to last approx. 6 months.
It will be necessary to carry out these works under road closures. Local access will be maintained at all times. We shall endeavour to minimise any disruption.
The expected timelines that the local roads will be closed are as follows:
L1014 – February (red)
L5042 – March (blue)
L5034 – April (yellow)
L1013 – May / June (purple)
Contact Us
Suzanne O’Leary is the project Community Liaison Officer for day-to-day queries during construction.
You can contact Suzanne directly on 057 937 9073
Please contact George O’Connor for queries & updates regarding the Community Benefit Fund on 087 352 1511