Location Identification
An area to the south of Garrymore bog has been identified as having the potential to accommodate wind energy. Many factors are taken into consideration when carrying out a feasibility test and these include:
- The capacity to achieve suitable set back distances for the turbines to houses in the local area.
- The impact that shadow flicker curtailment or the elimination of shadow flicker would have on the viability of the project.
- How the existing environment and landscape could accommodate a wind energy project.
Other considerations include the County Development Plan, how the wind farm would work in terms of the local environment and the suitability of the roads infrastructure for construction.
Another important aspect of this assessment is the potential for the proposal to play a positive role in the future development of the local area. We would welcome feedback from people in the area on the potential opportunities that they would see and what the needs and wants of the local area are.
An assessment carried out of the north County Laois region identified an area that warranted consideration for a wind energy proposal. Some of the reasons that this area would appear to be suitable include the following:
- It centres around an area of forestry and adjoining bogland
- It is possible to get increased separation distances between houses and turbines of 740m and over
- The type of landscape in the area would lend itself to accommodating wind energy
- There are no designated environmentally sensitive areas in the area under consideration
- The area has been identified in the Laois County Development Plan as being suitable for wind energy development
- Shadow Flicker can be eliminated
- Increased separation distances would reduce any additional noise levels that may be experienced
- There is the potential to bring a significant economic benefit to the local area
Proximity to Mountmellick
The orientation and layout of the town of Mountmellick have been taken into account in the development of the design of this proposal and it has been established that there would be limited views of the development from the town and none from the town centre.
We recognise that many individuals have differing views of the appearance of wind turbines, ranging from those who like the appearance and feel that they represent a new and more sustainable future for our people, to those who dislike them and feel that they are undesirable in the landscape. Taking this on board, we will be preparing photomontages of the proposed development which will allow people to visualise how this proposal will look when developed.