Project Being Considered
An area centred around the townland of Ballinla in north Co. Offaly was identified as having the potential for the development of a suitable and appropriate wind farm development. Design works, surveys and consultation with the local community are ongoing with the view to identifying how a project would work best in this area and bring the most benefit to the local community.
The proposed project includes sections of Coillte property in addition to other third-party lands. If you have any queries related to Coillte, please contact lsinfo@coillte.ie.
Project at a glance
- 7 turbines
- Residence distance to the nearest turbine – over 740m*
- Over 50MW of renewable energy to the Irish electricity grid
- Maximum turbine height of 185m
- Zero shadow flicker policy
- Total Community Benefit Fund of circa €3.7 million, depending on the final design
- Over €825,000 a year in annual rates payments to Offaly County Council. These rates go towards public services including street lighting, libraries, footpaths and road upkeep
- Associated works will include access tracks, turbine foundations and hardstanding areas, drainage works, a temporary site compound, underground electrical and communications cables between turbines and an underground cable to connect the proposed project to a substation
- All cables underground
* A residential property is within this area by agreement
We believe this proposal has the capacity to deliver climate action while bringing very real benefits to the local area and its people.
This proposal is to develop a 7-turbine wind farm near Rhode, Co. Offaly. Under this proposal, the turbines, with a tip height of 185 metres, would be developed in two clusters. The location under consideration was initially identified following a review of areas that could allow for the development of this type. All wind energy proposals with an output of over 50MW are deemed by planning to be strategic projects given what they potentially have to offer. Therefore, submission directly to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) application is a planning requirement for this proposal. Offaly County Council will be expected to review and actively input on any submission.
It is important to Statkraft that our projects are considered in terms of the climate challenges being addressed. It is also vital that they are appropriate for the area, suitably located and delivered as part of a just transition. In addition, these projects bring real benefits to local people and support the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of local areas.
Local appropriateness is a fundamental consideration, so community feedback on the design proposal is very welcome.
Projects like Ballinla Wind Farm enable communities to utilise their own natural resources and provide clean affordable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions and our dependence on expensive fossil fuels.
The need for this project
The impacts of climate change on our world are indisputable. We are all being challenged to consider the role we play in climate action and how we can reduce our reliance on costly and polluting imported fossil fuels. The world is getting warmer, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. We cannot stop climate change, but we can take action to address it. Renewable energy development is a vital part of that action.
The energy price hikes experienced across Europe following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have put huge pressure on households and businesses, and exacerbated the cost-of-living crisis. Our electricity demands are also on the rise and providing sufficient supplies to avoid potential power shortages has become ever more challenging.
Furthermore, Ireland's energy security has come into sharp focus. Having our own secure, sustainable supply will shield us from global market energy price increases and continue to help protect families and businesses from the worst effects of a crisis caused by our reliance on fossil fuels. We can tap into our own natural resources and roll out clean, affordable energy that won’t break the bank.
Electricity generation
Green electricity has brought significant benefits to areas across rural Ireland for many years. How we generate electricity in Ireland is becoming less reliant on fossil fuels, such as peat and coal, and transitioning to renewable forms of energy. This transition is our best way of taking effective action on climate change.
The development of renewable energy projects, such as wind farms, brings significant potential for local economic and societal gains. Areas that develop renewable energy projects will have the potential to benefit from substantial community benefit funds. At Statkraft, we believe that local communities should play a major role in determining how these funds should be used to maximise the benefit for the local area.
The communities in the area of the wind farm project have an opportunity to consider how such a renewable project could make a real difference to their locality. The fundamental principle of our community benefits packages is that we seek to work with local people to deliver increased environmental, economic and social sustainability to their communities.
We are very interested in hearing what ideas you have on how this wind farm could deliver the most benefit to you and your local area.